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Cheiridopsis Plants for Sale – Unusual and Rare Living Stones

Cheiridopsis plants, also called eseloor (donkey ear) or clock plant, are beautiful ornamental Succulents ranging from small species to rather big. Cheiridopsis species are found in Namibia and South Africa in mineral-rich soils.

Cheiridopsis Care and Propagation

Cheiridopsis can best be grown in a soil mix based on pumice. We have composed a special Lithops & Mesembs Soil. This soil mix has extremely good drainage properties which is extremely important for species like Cheiridopsis and other Living Stones. We keep our Cheiridopsis almost dry in summer and water in early spring and late autumn. The minimum temperature for Cheiridopsis plants is around 5C. Propagation can done from seeds or sometimes cuttings. We propagate all our Cheiridopsis species from seed.

Each Cheiridopsis plant is carefully wrapped in paper and comes with a label and general growth instructions. For more information and help please check our FAQ & Help page.